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Declaration:property DefaultValue[ACol, ARow: longint]: string

The read-only property DefaultValue returns the default cell value of the cell [ACol,ARow]. The default cell value is calculated from the ColumnFormat property and depends on the column and the row. In particular, the returned default values are automatically adjusted if the column format specifier contains a special identifier:

Format Default Value
c first option of list
d returns any string
e any real number; special identifier rixN returns floating point row number with N decimal places
f any real number; special identifier rixN returns floating point row number with N decimal places
h any hexadecimal number; special identifier rixN returns row number with N hexadecimal digits (including leading zeroes)
i any integer number; special identifier rixN returns row number with N decimal digits (including leading zeroes)
l first option of list
s any string; special identifier $pwd$N returns password with N (2 to 12) characters

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14